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First Presbyterian Church of Tuscaloosa, Alabama
"Tracing Faith: New Perspectives on Caregiver Grief and the Gospel"
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Deborah M. Jackson, MDiv
1 min read
Exploring and Experiencing Grief: Meet Frances
For a long time I’ve been investing the significance of creation as it relates to our own human experiences, and healing. Gardening,...
Deborah M. Jackson, MDiv
2 min read
Mental Health Awareness Month
Spiritually religious moments are not working anymore. Even before the pandemic there was a slow simmer elevating to a boil in the...
Deborah M. Jackson, MDiv
2 min read
The Myth of Christian Grief
I was talking to several people this past week about grief. Each of them happened to be Christians and were talking about their grief...
Deborah M. Jackson, MDiv
2 min read
Entangled Joy: WBOK Interview
Hello everyone. I’ve been out and about trying to elevate the pitch about caregiving economics, caregiver respite, mental wellbeing, and...
Deborah M. Jackson, MDiv
2 min read
5 Things Anger Disguises
When I was caring for my mom, there were times I would experience bouts of angry. I knew my love for my mom was immoveable; I also knew...
Deborah M. Jackson, MDiv
2 min read
Grief: Stretching into New Realities
Grieving the death of someone you love is not something to move past or get over. Each day God gives me an opportunity to speak on the...
Deborah M. Jackson, MDiv
2 min read
Eleven Lessons from Sudden Loss
When a loved one dies suddenly it has a different impact than when the death is expected. Notice the words “different impact” not “less”...
Deborah M. Jackson, MDiv
2 min read
Say Yes to Soul Health
The pandemic has opened an entirely new focus on fulfillment and soul care. Turning our attention within is one of the most significant...
Deborah M. Jackson, MDiv
2 min read
Six Keys to Emotional Health in Christ
How you’re feeling and handling life emotionally is one of the most important aspects of your Spiritual growth in Christ. Jesus was...
Deborah M. Jackson, MDiv
3 min read
Let Grief Speak
Last year I planted Rosella Hibiscus seeds and even though they sprouted and grew some, realizing I planted them too late they died. I...
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