God's Presence in Crisis
When my mom and I evacuated for Hurricane Ida we were in the middle of an already existing crisis. With swallowing challenges that had been building, I spent months fighting against hospitals, doctors, and systems trying to convince them that the problem was something different than what it seemed on the surface. In the end I was right, and they were all wrong. I look back at those months now and I can see how God was doing so much more than what anyone could see – including myself. He was working very intentionally in me as well - sharpening my discernment, strengthening my resolve, and yes, preparing me for her transition from this world.
While my mom was in a surgical procedure, I learned of the real threat of hurricane Ida that would push me to pack up she and my dogs to get us out of New Orleans in safety from the storm less than 12 hours after her surgery. I had been through hard times as a caregiver before, but this one had me feeling another way. Even while I was fighting for her – in a still quiet voice in my heart (I never spoke it) I felt the end was closer. I just did not have time to dwell on it; I had to keep going.
It was of the most difficult, trying, and uncertain of the entire 8 years of caring for her. With all that, God had still not revealed an unknown battle ahead. Because of two special people in my life, our evacuation brought us to Lake Tuscaloosa where we spent almost one month in our own little bubble, safe and secure from all the upset of the storm. I knew in my Spirit this beautiful experience given to us …
[in the middle of a raging pandemic, within the center of gas and food shortages and no electricity resulting from the storm - a storm within a storm]
…. was a holy and sacred moment - I knew the Lord was still blessing us; that it would be a 1st and last trip of this kind with my mom; although I didn’t know when life as we knew it would end, how it would end, or what tomorrow had in store.

So, in this place, at this time, as my heart was breaking, I recorded reflections of praise and thanksgiving. Just as potent was the pain, so was the power of His presence - in the middle of a crisis
That is my prayer for you today that you can see and experience the mighty and majestic presence of the Lord - even if you’re in the middle of a crisis [Philippians 4:7]