God's Presence Pulling Carrots
For months as my mom was transitioning, and after her death I completely neglected my little backyard farm; I couldn’t do anything - no water, no TLC of any kind. About a week ago I took a baby step to start rejuvenating her again. I didn’t do much - pull a few weeds, clear some fallen brush, cut a few sprigs of mint. That felt like a lot right now.
As I walked about feeling overwhelmed with all that needed to be done I decided to go look at the carrot tops. They were out of control, so I tugged at a few and 3 came up - they had started growing together.
Suddenly, I felt this tug in my heart to keep pulling more. As I pulled them, I felt God speak to my heart so gently. I’m still here. I’m still here.
“See Debbie! Even in this season, I’m still bringing forth (for you) new life.” Before I knew it I had all this.
It felt like life in a season of loss
I experienced the comfort of the Lord pulling carrots. So I just want to say to anyone grieving today. Whether it’s 10 years later. 10 months, or 10 days, God is with you in your hurting places, and He loves you and is absolutely moving you through it - one moment at a time 🥕🥕