Grieving Forward
Grieving the loss of my mother is different than when I grieved the loss of my dad. I’ve had some time to reflect on how each loss experience was different, and even more how God has changed me differently through each journey. I shared with the attendees recently in my monthly grief session that “make no mistake about it, the loss of your loved one will forever change you.” Understand something, loss is intended to change you. Life and the reality lived before the loss will never be the way it was again. The Lord will pilot you into a new place of consciousness and awareness about life and purpose. (If you permit Him to) My grief journey is no more meaningful than any other. The only thing I can offer is that I am choosing how I want to move through it – unrushed, discerning, present, and transformed. This past week I highlighted on Instagram the marking of six months since my mother closed her eyes as I stood by her side. I shared our first cruise together and our last vacation trip.
In the first picture I was 30 years old, my mom was 65; daddy
had just died a few years before. It was a sudden unexpected death that shocked and shook us to the core. I had just ended a relationship with a man I thought I’d marry. Through the heartache of daddy for both of us, then the breakup my mom wanted me to experience every good thing and took me on my first cruise to the Caribbean.
Fifteen years later, when I saw the earliest sign of cognitive turbulence that could take place in our lives, I took my mom to Maui 1st class. Maui was one of our favorite places. It would be our last travel excursion before I returned to New Orleans to be with her full time.
God gave us eleven more years together. We’ve had the most beautiful experiences - we’ve traveled the world. I held nothing back and my beautiful mom left all of herself on the table for me. It is hard to move forward without her, at times excruciating. If you are grieving, you may feel similar. Just remember as I am forever changed and life will never be the same, the work and movement of the Lord in my life is still active and compelling. The same can be true for you. All of our experiences come together for transformation & wholeness according to His will.