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Humility to Hope

Deborah M. Jackson, MDiv

One of the best things we can do for ourselves is reflect. There was a time in my life I thought punishment was at the root of disappointment. Most of that belief came through a judgement doctrinal system of God. With strong spiritual guidance, I learned the importance of gaining Christ-Centered perspective. Not every situation was about me; the root of every circumstance wasn't disobedience; more importantly, a trial could be divinely orchestrated for my good. The final point is where I’d like to crystalize my heart reflection today.

God is good. Period. He is generous, loves all His children, and wants His absolute best for us – inside and out. Yet how do we reconcile when seemingly bad or confusing things happen in our lives. Consider this. What if 80% of the trials we go through occur as part of a divinely orchestrated GPS restructuring our hearts to look like Jesus? Listen. If the Lord’s ultimate desire is to conform us into the image of His Son, it stands to reason He has a greater purpose in permitting many of the experiences taking place in life. "For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren." (Romans 8:29 KJV) The kind of transformation in this scripture starts deep inside of us, and the pathway is both messy and miraculous all at the same time. Messy because the process involves not only our emotions about others but ourselves; miraculous, because the process weaves through it, our spirit which includes our heart, mind and will. One of the prime ways God uses the trial is to set us on divine course.

We’ve all likely heard the sermons about how the trial could be a set-up for triumph. What we don’t always hear is how the trial is intended to work in our lives. More often than we care to preach, teach, or even accept, the trial is not primarily discharged as a weapon from the enemy, but allowed as a source for sacred shift from our Savior. It starts with our capacity for humility and reflection. From reflection we can move toward asking the right questions of ourselves which can lead to understanding and revelation.

In Psalms 139:22-24 David is reflecting on God and through that reflection praising God while standing in a posture of humility about himself. “Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there be any wicked way in me and lead me in the way everlasting! This is a first lesson in the pathway to healing and wholeness from the inside out. We don't get to peace and abundant life as the Lord intended by bypassing the corridor of suffering or surrender. This is the hope, joy and peace granted through invitation of intimate relationship with Jesus Christ.


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